Trump’s Last Stand: The Siege On Capitol Hill

Many of us saw this coming, and were still shocked at the sheer treasonous chaos

Sole Strategies
6 min readJan 8, 2021


The ugly truth of who we are as a country was on blatant and obvious display on the 6th. Unless you have been living under a rock, you know that the US capitol building was under siege on the 6th as thousands of Trump supporters took up arms and invaded the building. Senators, lawmakers and staff were rushed to their cabinets for safety as thousands of domestic terrorists broke into the capitol building. Lawmakers were attempting to conduct a ceremonial certification of the November 6 election results when this all went down.

Donald Trump was undoubtedly defeated by VP and now President elect Joe Biden in an electoral victory of 306–232, and a popular vote victory of over 5 million. That undeniable fact did not stop Trump, and his lackeys from trying to steal this election with everything that they had. After 60 court decisions, some made by his own appointed judges, declared that there was no evidence of election fraud, Trump and his loyalist tried to pressure VP Pence into not certifying the election on January 6. A proposition that he has no constitutional power to do.

Pence denied Trump’s request and the decision was left in the hands of senators to formally oppose the certification of the votes. Senators Ted Cruz and Paul Gosar were 2 of the many republican senators who were willing to go on record opposing the certification of legally casted votes. Amid this debacle of a senate hearing, the terrorists began to strike, leaving the offices of party leaders such as Nancy Pelosi broken into, chambers vandalized, and one terrorist left dead. Here are some of the strong takeaways of this historic attest to our century’s long democracy.

White Privilege is Undeniable

Over the summer during the George Floyd protest, we saw hundreds of unarmed, nonthreatening demonstrators being brutalized by police officers. Protestors lost their sight, their eyeballs, their bodies were bloodied and bruised. Their faces gashed and dismembered. They will suffer lifelong damage due to the bear spray that was brutally used against them. And for what? Because they wanted to be protected instead of brutalized by police officers? Because they were sick and tired of seeing unarmed men and women of colored be murdered without consequence. Because they dare push to defund a system of “protection” that does everything but its job? Protestors were run over by police cars. Protestors were beaten within an inch of their lives. They had no weapons. They had no guns. They had no bats and spears. All they brought were signs. Their voices. Their pain. And they were punished for it. Meanwhile, you have Thousands of armed white individuals, breaking and entering into a federal building with the absolute clear intention to do harm and destruction. And what are they met with? Open arms and selfies.

This is a sick and clear display of flat out racism and privilege. If any of those demonstrators had been black or brown, they would have been laid out and killed right there on the spot. To anyone reading this article, do you honestly think that a mob of thousands of black people would have been able to storm a federal building and all but one leave with their lives? Do you think a crowd of “scary” black men with guns, and bats, and wooden planks would have been able to shatter the windows of our nation’s capital building and make it home to their families? Black men have died for less! Black men have been shot and killed in front of their wives and children for a traffic stop. Black men have been gunned down in broad daylight for “looking like a scary dude”. Black women have been hung in their jail cells for “mouthing off” to police officers. This is racism. This is who America really is. This is who America has always been.

Police Chose Their Side

Police officers had the perfect opportunity to defend democracy, to defend our elected officials, to defend our country, and what did they do? They let terrorists in the doors with open arms and take pictures with them. Why? Because they were white. To them, white people do not look like a threat even when carrying an AK 47 and a Spear in their arms. Police officers did not fight back and defend our nation against these terrorists because they AGREE with them. White nationalism and racism are so deeply integrated into our police system and it is time for us to flush it out. If not, just openly go back to being the slave patrol officers that you stem from. Be honest. Stop hiding behind “protecting and serving” and be clear about who and what it is that you want to protect. Be clear about who it is that you serve. Do you serve all Americans, or are you bound to only serve white Americans? Be clear and stand on it. All these images are from 2020. Not 1963, not the 1800s. This is what is happening right now. This is what continues to happen today.

I am sick to death of people in this country not wanting to confront the truth. On January 6th we were forced to confront it head on. America is racist. Patriotic symbolism is only that. Symbolism. Our democracy is weak. Millions of Americans were and still are willing to overthrow our entire system of government, our entire democracy, our entire country, because of one man. Which causes us to face other hard facts. That none of this ever meant anything to these people in the first place. They never loved the constitution. They never loved America. They never loved democracy. Because when things didn’t go their way, they were willing to terrorize the very place they claim to love.

Each and every senator, lawmaker, congressman/woman, city council member, and the president who encouraged and incited this violence needs to be removed from office. Period. They are traitors. They are treasonous. They were willing to refuse to certify a legal election. They are fascists. And if America wants to still be a democracy, they must remove all fascists from office. Or be honest on who it is we want to be. Do we stand for freedom and justice for all? Or are we an authoritarian dictatorship? It is time to choose.



Sole Strategies
Sole Strategies

Written by Sole Strategies

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